I can’t help but think about how many folks are living a disengaged, drowsy life, and, for some, many are sleep walking. This disengaged and drowsy lifestyle has made them numb; numb to all that is great and valuable, not only in themselves, but also in life and others.
How can one justify such an existence? Ever wonder what story they tell themselves each day? How they put stylus to scroll, pen to paper, and document their life –with a straight face? What kind of blatant disregard for self would such an act take? When they look at themselves in the mirror, do they know who that stranger is? Or have they become so accustomed to seeing someone else in the mirror and being alright with it?
Want to know who “they” are?
“They” are...you...me. Every single time we devalue ourselves with toxic relationships, dysfunctional behavior, or our moral compass fails to point True North. With each of these relationships and behaviors, we are singing a lullaby to the Leviathan within. That Giant inside each of us that stands with a shield of courage and a sword of action; defending who we really are to the death, if need be.
So, how are YOU justifying such a life? What story are YOU telling yourself? Are you putting stylus to scroll with a straight face? Have you such a blatant disregard for yourself? So much that you know you see someone else in the mirror but claim her to be you?
©2018, Dr. Kozhi Sidney Makai. No part of this blog post may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the copyright holder.
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