Resiliency is the difference between surviving trauma/challenges and thriving in spite of trauma/challenges. We can develop resiliency and thrive despite the pain life sometimes brings.
I’ve always been fascinated by the deep connection between horse and rider. Watching my niece compete with such precision and grace is simply amazing. To achieve this level of grace and precision requires timing and connectedness...
To what degree do you deliver precision? I’m not talking about perfection here; I’m talking about accuracy and exactness. Every work and personal product we deliver has our fingerprints on it. Is your fingerprint one of precision?
I’d like to challenge you to begin the Practice of Precision. Think of it as “being exactly that and neither more nor less” — being on the money. That’s how you gain the reputation for being reliable: Precision.
Our roles in life belong to no one but us. If we don’t play them as we ought to (exactly that, no more, no less), then we hurt the production. Again, I don’t mean perfection; I mean playing our part with accuracy.
Here’s an example: My goal as a parent is...
COVID-19 has invaded our collective consciousness. I can’t remember any event capturing our imagination on a global scale as much as this pandemic. As a phenomenologist, I traffic in the lived experiences of those I’m fortunate to conduct my research with. The power of story has fascinated me since my childhood in Zambia, where the fabric of our history is woven deeply into our stories and narratives.
As I look at the landscape of our world, it’s clear COVID-19 is seared in every one of our stories. The difference, I believe, lies in how we process this experience and what value we place on this experience. Calhoun and Tedeschi are researchers who...
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