Thought-Provoking Ideas that Inspire. 

Mitigate Fear

fear mindset Jul 03, 2024

There’s no such thing as eliminating risk; all we can do is mitigate the risk. The alternative is living life in fear; that’s not a healthy or productive way to live.

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Focus on Impact

mindset personal growth May 01, 2024

We don’t have to wait until late in life to begin thinking about “impact” — you know, creating amazing ripple effects that carry beyond us? We can start today…right now!

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We Can’t Outsource Our Thinking

mindset Mar 06, 2024

Please get as much advice and counsel as possible; just remember that no one can do the thinking for you. Taking ownership of our lives requires thinking for ourselves.

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Think You've Cornered the Market on Being Right?


Have you fallen in love with being right? With emphasizing the "rightness" of your position and the "wrongness" of others' position? How's that working for your relationships and overall well-being?

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See Yourself Purely Based on What You Do?

mindset Nov 01, 2023

Define your life by your occupation or vocation? Filter your view of yourself by what you do? You're more than what you do; it's time for you to see that.

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How to Learn from Your Failures

mindset personal growth Jul 05, 2023

It’s OK to fear failure. Important: Attempting your “shot” will help you leverage your failure.

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Disappointed vs Discouraged

mindset personal growth Mar 01, 2023

Life throws some mean hooks and jabs sometimes. It's very easy to get discouraged and quit. To win, we must fight the good fight by taking the hits but never letting them drown our dreams.

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The Problem with "As"

mindset personal growth Feb 01, 2023

Imitation may be a form of flattery, but it does little to mature us. Maturity demands that we take the unique constellation of gifts and talents we've been given and do great things with them...rather than compare ourselves to others.

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World Record vs Personal Record

mindset personal growth Dec 21, 2022

It's tempting to aim for being the best when we haven't even achieved our full potential. We must begin with improving our personal best before chasing being the best.

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Are You Grateful or Thankful?

communication mindset Nov 16, 2022

Words have the power to impact our posture. What seems innocuous can have immeasurable impact on our ability to thrive. Words greatly impact our mindset and attitude.

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