Thought-Provoking Ideas that Inspire. 

How Relationships Flourish


Great relationships don’t happen by mistake; we have to be intentional. Being intentional in our relationships paves the way to success because we're deliberate and fully invested!

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How to Start, Have, and Move HARD Conversations

communication leadership Dec 07, 2022

Nothing is harder than having conversations we really don't want to have. You know...the kind where you have to tell someone the truth and you know the truth will hurt them? We all need to learn how to make these types of conversations productive and healthy.

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Are You Grateful or Thankful?

communication mindset Nov 16, 2022

Words have the power to impact our posture. What seems innocuous can have immeasurable impact on our ability to thrive. Words greatly impact our mindset and attitude.

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Cynical v Skeptical

communication mindset Oct 19, 2022

Words have the power to mold and shape our mindsets. Cynical...skeptical...these words greatly impact our mindsets; though similar in meaning, they impact our mindset very differently.

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3 TIPS for Handling Your Anger


Nothing wrong with feeling angry; it can be a healthy and formidable emotion. The key is to learn how we can channel it correctly. 

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The Power of “Yet”


To balance out the highs and lows of life, we need two things: Grace and Compassion. These two things should be inwardly directed in order for us to build resiliency.

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Why Build A Bridge?

communication Oct 07, 2020
I love bridges...
Golden Gate Bridge. Brooklyn Bridge. Clinton Street Bridge in Defiance, Ohio (shout out to Tabitha’s family in Ohio). No matter large or small, I love them all...
Bridges are connectors. They shrink distance. They enable commerce. They mediate relationships. They provide transformative experiences. We often take them for granted, but they serve us and sustain us and our weight (see what I did there?)...
Metaphors aside, each of us is a bridge of sorts. If we choose to, we are connectors, shrink distance, enable commerce, mediate relationships, and sustain others when we share the burden of their loads. Key Words: IF...WE...CHOOSE...TO...
I might as well get this out in the open: You will NEVER find someone who agrees with you on EVERYTHING. So, stop posturing and acting like you’ve got the corner on the market for rightness. That’s the prerequisite for being a bridge...
Our world has many needs to be met. I...
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What Is Your Best Communication Skill?

communication Jun 26, 2020
I taught Interpersonal Communication to College Freshmen for 12 years. I’d informally survey each class with the following prompt: “Raise your hand if you believe you’re a good listener.” Often, 80% of the class would raise their hands. If you were in my class, would you raise your hand?

Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality — we invite others into our very being. Listening, a crucial communication skill, seems to be like “good driving” — surveys show that 80% of people believe they’re good drivers. Reality, however, doesn’t bear that out, does it?

As a Certified Professional in Talent Development, one of the 7 capabilities a CPTD must have is Communication. The truth is, and I might be biased here, communication is the skill that determines all other capabilities. It’s a skill we must all develop and enhance each day.

With everything going on around us, let us LISTEN more than we speak. Let us seek DIALOGUE...
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