I am overwhelmed by the desperation I see in the eyes of my audiences with each trip. While their demeanors hold and posture the socially-acceptable "everything is alright," their eyes say otherwise. They are starved for acceptance, recognition, and...here it comes...love...
On a recent trip, a friend smiled brightly because of "the way you make friends everywhere you go." I thought nothing of it possibly because I have worked at making it a habit to not only greet all who tend to me in stores, restaurants and other places of business, but to ask them their names and thank them personally. "Thank you, Deb," I might say. Or, "you really are the best, Tim." It is S.O.P in my world and now seems to flow out naturally and with ease...
To many, this might be posturing; being overzealous and manipulating people. To me, however, it is the way of life. I once heard it said that "a wise man knows everything, but a shrewd man, everyone." I count myself neither wise nor shrewd, but I find that all people need is a little encouragement and they will surprise you. There is enough negativity in the world and I always hope and believe that the little T.L.C I give others might be the one thing that turns the tide of the battle against indifference.
When we allow ourselves to be conduits for compassion, joy, and laughter, we literally change the world. Think of the world as a tossed salad; every part of it creates a whole that can not only be delicious, but also wonderful for your body. Add a particular ingredient (almonds, a little fruit, etc), and it becomes a party in your mouth! That is the same thing that happens when we add depth to the lives of others with our laughter, smiles, and sincere interest in them. We - you and I - have the power to alter a waiter's shift and to change the course of generations. But, to do so, we must speak up...
Have you spoken up lately?
©2018, Dr. Kozhi Sidney Makai. No part of this blog post may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the copyright holder.
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