Why Build A Bridge?
Oct 07, 2020
I love bridges...
Golden Gate Bridge. Brooklyn Bridge. Clinton Street Bridge in Defiance, Ohio (shout out to Tabitha’s family in Ohio). No matter large or small, I love them all...
Bridges are connectors. They shrink distance. They enable commerce. They mediate relationships. They provide transformative experiences. We often take them for granted, but they serve us and sustain us and our weight (see what I did there?)...
Metaphors aside, each of us is a bridge of sorts. If we choose to, we are connectors, shrink distance, enable commerce, mediate relationships, and sustain others when we share the burden of their loads. Key Words: IF...WE...CHOOSE...TO...
I might as well get this out in the open: You will NEVER find someone who agrees with you on EVERYTHING. So, stop posturing and acting like you’ve got the corner on the market for rightness. That’s the prerequisite for being a bridge...
Our world has many needs to be met. I can’t meet them all by myself. Neither can you. Together, however, we can meet many, if not most. To do that, we have to be and build bridges. Find common ground, work collaboratively, and share the load...
The alternative? We all lose. Right in our own eyes, but gaining nothing of consequence.
Will you join me in being/building bridges?
© 2020, Dr. Kozhi Sidney Makai. No part of this blog post may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the copyright holder.