Please get as much advice and counsel as possible; just remember that no one can do the thinking for you. Taking ownership of our lives requires thinking for ourselves.
We don’t avoid conflict…what we do is delay the same outcome and take on the additional weight of carrying ours and the other person’s load. How fair or healthy is that?
Too many of us are focused on acquiring more knowledge and insights when we should be focused on applying more. It’s time to change our mindset and value the application above the acquisition of knowledge, information, and insights.
Have you fallen in love with being right? With emphasizing the "rightness" of your position and the "wrongness" of others' position? How's that working for your relationships and overall well-being?
Define your life by your occupation or vocation? Filter your view of yourself by what you do? You're more than what you do; it's time for you to see that.
Always reacting to life? Always fighting the current of life and feeling like you're always just trying to catch up? I submit that there's a better way...
It’s OK to fear failure. Important: Attempting your “shot” will help you leverage your failure.
In every space we enter, there's an inescapable fact: we are the link between them all. Excluding extreme cases, whatever we experience (good, bad, or indifferent), we're the only person that can influence experiences for our benefit.
Great relationships don’t happen by mistake; we have to be intentional. Being intentional in our relationships paves the way to success because we're deliberate and fully invested!
Authentic leadership requires the most of us and the best of us. More than anything else, authentic leadership requires integrity; that is, being whole. Are you whole?
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